448050911201448 How to Write a Great CER! Grades 5-8 | Polka Dots and Protons - Interactive Science Notebooks & More

How to Write a Great CER! Grades 5-8

It's that time of year... time to set up student interactive science notebooks. I teach middle school science and have updated a CER handout for students to put in their notebooks. It is easy to understand and includes a rubric.
This one page handout is great for students to refer to each time they are writing a CER. Writing a CER doesn't have to be complicated and the example given shows how simple it can be. I have included this resource in my Best Ever Science CER Rubric resource. 

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Would you like a FREEBIE about the greenhouse gas effect? This freebie includes sketch notes, a CER, and a digital and print quiz. Click HERE to get this FREEBIE!