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25+ Classroom Jobs That Empower Students and Frees Up Valuable Teacher Time

Students love to help and have classroom jobs and I love the help! Win...win! Substitute teachers remark that my classroom practically runs itself. The kids love the responsibility and I appreciate their contribution. 

This job isn't listed below on my big list but I had a job this year for a student being in charge of finding my cell phone when I misplaced it. He was amazing and it was such a help! I kept him busy. Many of these jobs work for a variety of grade levels. I have used them with 5th and 6th graders.

How long do we keep the same jobs? A LONG time. It takes awhile for everyone to get good and remember their job. It takes practice and modeling. We typically change jobs for each trimester.

Funny story: The student who answered the phone needed some etiquette lessons. He'd answer the phone saying, "WHAT?" We actually clapped when he answered politely, "Mrs. Priest's class, student speaking."

Another funny story: A student in charge to writing the date (at the end of the day, she'd write the date for the next day on the board so we'd be ready to go) needed help every day for a long time. No, it was a long, long time. But eventually she stuck with it and we cheered her on. 

Scroll down to see 25+ classroom job ideas. 

Here are Some of My Favorite Class Jobs:

2 Paper Helpers: Passing out and collecting papers

Dot: This student manages our Alexa. We use the Alexa to set a timer or play music like Piano Guys on Pandora.

Phone: Answer the phone, "Mrs. Priest's class, student speaking"

Door: Holds the door open as students enter and gives a squeeze of hand sanitizer

Recorder: Orders papers in number order- students put their first and last name and class number on their work

Attendance: This student takes attendance and lets me know who is absent

Lunch Count: This student has students stand for lunch count and lets me know the number

Pledge of Allegiance: This student stands and leads The Pledge (ours is on the morning announcements so this student just stands up front)

Pencils: Makes sure pencil sharpener is emptied

Substitute: When a student who has a job is absent, the substitute fills in and does the job

Messenger: This student delivers things to the office or other teachers as needed

White Board: Erases the white board

Date: At the end of the school day, this student writes the date for the next day on the white board

Library: Collects and returns books to the library before we visit

Absent Work Manager: Collects work for absent students (I haven't done this job before but I'd like to.)

Desk Spraying: Sprays cleaner on desks at the end of the day

Photographer: I like to post pictures to Class Dojo so I have a student who I trust to use my phone to take pictures when we are doing an activity.

Technology: Makes sure computers are put in the cart, plugged in, and locked

Game Host: Leads games- For example says, "Heads down, thumbs up" for Heads Up 7 Up or chooses the game theme for Blookets or music for Kahoots

Wonder Wall: We have a poster with a 6 x 6 grid. Letters spelling "Wonder" are across the top and numbers 1-6 are along the side (see the picture at the top) Students write their name one of the boxes on the poster when they do something that is "wonderful" (a score, a kind action, etc.)  The Wonder Wall helper rolls dice that finds the Wonder Wall winner. The winner gets a prize from the prize box ($1 store items.)

Sharpie Check Out: When we use Sharpies, this student checks them out to others and then makes sure they are returned.

2 Exercise PE Leaders: Students get a lanyard with a list of exercises and lead the class through the exercises outside. The list might have: 

  • lean your head toward your right shoulder for a count of 10 and then to your left shoulder
  • 10 forward arm circles and then backward arm circles
  • 10 shoulder rolls forward and 10 backward
  • flamingo on each leg for a count of 10
  • 20 sit ups
  • 10 push ups
  • run 2 laps

Sink: Keep the sink area clean

Sweeping: I had brooms and students would sweep at the end of the day. I will have carpet this next year so I'm not sure how I'll do this. Maybe we'll sweep the carpet or get a vacuum donated.

So many benefits! You can imagine how much I appreciate it at the end of the day and a students is sweeping, another is wiping down the group table, someone is changing the date on the board, and computers are being charged in the cart. It is like magic. The students know how I like the room extra clean and organized and they learn how to pitch in to make that happen. It helps you as the teacher but it helps the students feel needed also.

As jobs come up, add them. When there is a need, we fill it.

Do you have any other jobs to add? I love new ideas!

If you are a 5th grade science teacher, you might love this 5th grade interactive science notebook set up resource. 

My favorite thing about this resource is unit cover pages that include I Can statements for NGSS and the vocabulary. These pages are editable too! Be sure to check out the preview HERE.