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Kindness Campaign

At an adorable bookstore in McCall, Idaho called The Barn Owl Books and Gifts, I found Kindness Boomerang by Orly Wahea. (Don't you just love local book stores?) Here is a picture of my sister in this welcoming book store that offers free cookies by the counter. It was snowing outside and there is a fireplace in the store!

It has been a hard year, but being the recipient of kindness has helped me. Now it is my turn to spread kindness. Kindness Boomerang has simple ideas in a compact form to share with my children and students to inspire kindness.

I love this little video from Ellen. 

I have needed ideas of what I can do to be kind and teach kindness.

In the classroom, we can have students put up sticky notes on a door with a kind action they've done. I plan on reading a simple idea each day from the Kindness Boomerang book to my class.
I purchased this resource on TPT last year and it had great ideas for random acts of kindness. Click here We put our acts of kindness all over the room. One person can make a difference.