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Summer!!!! Goals and plans...

 Happy Summer!

It is just starting to feel like summer. The last day I had with students was also my youngest daughter's graduation from high school. I left school just after the students and went to get ready for graduation. Each big event is hard as we wish Shawn was with us. Shawn is my husband who passed away two years ago. I wish he was here physically for these big events. 

Three days after graduation, our middle son spoke in church for his mission farewell. He left yesterday for a two year mission and will be serving in Texas.

During this time, we have also been moving back into the part of the house that burned in August. After ten months, the kids are back in their rooms. Our missionary only got to be in his room for a week before leaving but at least he got a few days in there.

In addition to these events, we had the two year anniversary of Shawn's passing on Mother's Day this year and our family's 25th birthday (what would be our 25th wedding anniversary) just after. I am looking for a break from the marathon of life. 

In addition to teaching, I am a TPT author and seller. I have had big goals but they have been on hold for awhile. I am hoping to get in a spot to start working and creating again. We make goals and sometimes crazy things happen. I am hoping to get back on track. Tonight I made pins and added to my Tailwind que. Everything has been neglected so this is a big start. I love the challenge of creating. It stretches my creativity and pushes me to learn and grow.