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Camptastic! Fun at Camp Cuyamaca!

Camp Cuyamaca 2017
We have great kids and it was a pleasure to be with them at Camp Cuyamaca! The staff was incredible and it was run like a well oiled machine. I came up Weds. evening after teaching school for the day. Ms. Mallory and Mrs. Read-Smith accompanied the kids to camp. Ms. Mallory and I switched spots on Weds. evening. We had pizza for dinner and went on an adventurous night hike. It was a beautiful night with a sliver of moon and Venus brightly shining below.

Thurs. morning at breakfast, we heard about the fabulous stories the night leaders told. There was something called "The Pink Gorilla." Mrs. Read-Smith and I ate breakfast with some of the night leaders and they told us how much they love their job. We were impressed with their passion and dedication. (We love being with the kids during the day but are ready for some night quiet.)

Thurs. was the All Day Adventure. Many kids said this was their favorite. During recess time, kids were playing four square or polishing their rocks. Sanding beautiful manzanita was another activity keeping kids busy. Thursday night was the talent show and the skits were hilarious. Many of our talented kids participated. It was great to see the kids make friends with students from Black Mountain. Thank you Mrs. Read-Smith and Ms. Mallory for helping make camp such a success! We enjoyed the outdoors and made memories!