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Sage Garden Outdoor Lab

S.A.G.E. Garden stands for Students Are Growing Everyday. Our awesome garden volunteers have made an outdoor lab a reality! It is in the final stages of being built. The water still needs to be hooked up to the sinks, the shade covers are being finished, and the chalkboards are being painted.

We have been working on garden lessons. I love Life Lab and their book The Growing Classroom. I also love their "Back Pocket" garden activities. These are simple and engaging activities that get you started. There are videos that let you know exactly what to do. I love the Flower Tape Bracelets.

It has taken a few years of fundraising and community partnerships to make happen. We have a Harvest Night in the fall complete with a chili cook off, cake walk, and middle school run haunted house. This event provides funds for our garden. I can't wait to use this space! The little sitting stumps are my favorite!

Let's get outside and get dirty!