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Teacher Workshop in Conservation Science at the San Diego Zoo's Safari Park

 Are you a middle school or high school teacher? This is a must do! In 2014, I attended a three day teacher workshop at the San Diego Zoo's Safari Park. You can learn more HERE. This program is great for any teacher who loves conservation. You don't have to be a science teacher to go. There is a stipend you received after attending this workshop so this can offset travel expenses if you live far away. This program has attracted conservation minded educators from all over the world. Check it out!


2014 Teacher Workshop in Conservation- My Safari Tent

This program has influenced my personal philosophy and teaching. It is inspiring and great to be part of a community that does so much good. You will probably get to pet a rhino, feed a giraffe, have a behind the scenes tour of the tiger exhibit, and meet researchers. Seriously, it's amazing!

What do tigers eat?

Beautiful outdoor meals