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The Quarantined Classroom

I got my first Covid 19 vaccine! I had to drive really, really far to get it but I was glad to start feeling more secure. I have been teaching in person and I have had conflicting feelings about the vulnerability I have felt. It is great for the kids and I to be together in person. It is great for learning. I have been teaching in person in a public school since October 2020. It is a hybrid program where the students are in class 5 days a week until 12. After writing about my feelings about in person teaching recently, I have had to return to distance learning with my class after we were exposed to Covid 19. 

I snapped this pictures after revamping my plans and preparing the students' bins to be picked up.

When I learned we had been exposed to Covid 19, I had to redo my plans, collect the students' materials, contact the families, and pack up teaching supplies to work from home. I scheduled a Covid test and cancelled my plans so I wouldn't expose others. I set up my workspace at home in my bedroom because our home has not been repaired from the fire and Addy does her school work in the living room. I didn't want to interrupt her routine. I set up virtual backgrounds and made it work. Ideal? Not really. Fortunately, I tested negative for the virus and can go out and about now. One more day of teaching from home and then I transition back to the classroom on Friday. Wow, this is a crazy ride.